Thursday, July 31, 2014

7/31/14 Fingers & Phalanges and Finishing Up Modular Beast

Today was a pretty productive day.  Frankie's back and because he gave me the files to his fingers, I was able to make progress on the arm today.  I beefed up the tricep cuff with some ribs to support it and tweaked the palm to fit Frankie's phalanges.  Through Inventor's assembly mode, I was able to look at how the fingers would fit to the palm and was able to adjust the knuckles accordingly.  Here's a shot of how it should look.

Now that I know they fit, the next thing to do is find a way to connect the phalanges to the palm.  I would like to do it without cutting them in half and screwing them together.  Feel free to message me on e-NABLE if you have any ideas about that.  I'll talk to Frankie tomorrow to see if he has any ideas as well.  On the bright side,  I won't have to do any work when it comes to putting pins in the fingers, because Frankie already did it. 

Tomorrow is a short day, so I plan on taking some quality pictures of the RIT Arm and Modular Beast.  I will probably end up ordering some springs for the variable grip too.

Work continued on the modular beast today, all of the parts finally printed! After talking to Frankie and going over the e-NABLE feedback about our compression fit design I decided to adapt a dovetail design instead. This design is still very simple to print (minimal supports needed) and it works very well.

The new dovetail design.
The Modular Beast in the real world!
After putting everything together Frankie pointed out that the gauntlet seems to be scaled smaller than the rest of the hand. This is a fairly quick fix and hopefully after tomorrow I will have a larger gauntlet to print. I also started printing Sam's bike attachment, that should be done printing tomorrow.

Overall today was another busy and productive day!

Alex + Sam

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